Laura Mallonee
Starlet Twirler/Oglethorpe Majorette

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Hi! My name is Laura Mallonee. I'm a freshman at Oglethorpe County High School. I got interested in twirling when we moved back to the states from Germany. Then when my family moved to Colorado, where there was no twirling groups or teachers, I forgot about how great it would be to twirl. When we moved to Georgia I joined the Starlet Twirlers. I have been twirling for about two years in Starlet Twirling. It is a really great group.

I am the newest member of the Oglethorpe Majorette line. It hasn't been easy getting here either. I have always been intimidated by the other girls, because how good they can twirl. With the help from all of them I finally got here. When I was little I always admired the Majorettes. Now it is really awesome to move up and to be one.

I enjoy twirling, singing, acting, riding horses, playing soccer, and being in pageants. I am in a singing group called Voices of Glory with a couple of my friends at church. I am also in an acting group at church called ActWon. I have had great experiences traveling to different churches and going on mission trips to lead worship. I participate in horse shows and have won many trophies and ribbons. I enjoy timed events the most. I am a member of the Oglethorpe County ladies soccer team. Last year I was named Junior Miss Congeniality, and I was crowned as Junior Miss Marigold 1999. It was an awesome experience and I would love to do it again. 


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Dianne Myers